
I Anna watch the movies called Little Buddha 小佛陀的那個電影 ...喔! 一開場比較仔細到中間

Movie: Little Buddha 1995, the beginning to the middle.

So Dean is the Father, or the double e, Charlie? And he has to called Ivan? Eben!

I email Nick to ask if Eben has a personal phone number...just know. Zawanna told me.

On-line protocol, that is by laws so it sustains. Both you or me. Both.

You all MD or Pharm D are issued by the Medical Board credential the University or the medical Profession clinics, those are on the GPS maps, everything has to be delivered like they say, because it went onto the Review Board, those Health professional Reviews from the patients. Technically if you didn't make it the MCAT, which PCAT only taken twice, you will forever staying failing. Like me.

If you make to MCAT, and pass the interviews to the Medical School, you have USMLE 1 and 2, and 3 must not taken more than twice per time. If you failed the second time, you fail the entire USMLE no matter which 1 or 2 or 3 on.


I am too BUSY, I cannot SEE or understand WHAT IT SAYS!!!!


My brother used to love Sailor Moon

In Chinese its called: 美少女戰士 = Pretty Soilders. 

He actually LOVE that TV or....not sure if he reads the comics books. 

If you are actually living pass 39....to arrive 40. Not by impair, not by the food poison, or the water poison, or medical....miracles, one of those, you swallow the pop corn, and got choked.....Well.

Earth we are not on the main traffic road to where you all been dreaming about the unlimited glory. I will tell you, those....my bed they are all ascetic. 

Ascetic means, if I put a necklace on them, they won't scream, or fake, or real.....or if they put that on me, I don't scream, or yell. 

These videos are from my playlist last channel, Idol Gods.

No, I told her.

Because Pangs are very similar....the materials goods wants, Wing.

You cannot bear it, it might be a very very very very painful memory for you. It might be nothing, it might be too hard, it might be you run away....

Running away from something, exactly like the TV says here.

The language outside, you better than English, not to drop out of your language in the proficient, where are your English speaking country friends? 

A lot of Citizen in this World Population either India, China, or America, every country on UN Maps public citizen.

Because America does have this UFO Congress Citizen Hearing. They did. Bob Dean was always invited there. They brought out many military senior officers explains the situation. Its a public hearing.

在國外有一個公民聚會叫做 UFO 國會,公眾公民出現怎麼講英文? 是軍人那個 rank 去講整個情況。他們我床上的那垃圾都是 "ascetic".

我個人很在乎我買的 "藥",我跟妳們講過的第二次世界大戰的軍醫,兩個大戰的軍醫,對~我花很多錢錢在我的身體上面叫做,現在 20 年之後的自以為,跟自然不知道,你們吃東西?


Personal Possession - Ascetic.

I actually care about a lot of of my body taken those herbal tincture, I spent a lot a lot a lot of money on my body, to look like 20 years later this..." I naturally incline don't know, or conscious on purpose just don't know" you live on food.

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