
I told you, your dream its your dad coming with his SUV or truck, to pick you up at front trunk, and you shrink inside that seat going back to your 20 years old, never changing room you feeling better at it.

And if your dad never die, you wish he will hold your hands to that senior living facility house, to sign you in, like he sign you in to your Ellicott dormitory, to send all the furniture you needed in there. Do you ever think of that one step missing, its your dad? 

What is this story really I I I I I  ANNA think of? My uncle to my cousin Square? The Airplane uncle? ABC? Speaking English, really?  Which JC, you mean Jessy, you mean Jess, you mean UB Seth?

What do I really think of, in the inverted mirror image? That entire UB class organic, is there someone, one guy, doesn't know what is an inverted mirror image?

I just don't bother so damn telling what I think I saw...its the failure of every relationship. Because you could not stop trying your career and yelling at the guy, if the guys does the right thing? I just don't have a father, a functional human around me, for anyone else to call at. 

So in the end of that every day, I will tell you, its everyone die out, and I will still be standing and living, no matter how much blood I coming out of my mouth, or internal, whichever these ET did, or lightly said they did.

You thought that was a cute couple's fight, you thoughts, that is a cute arguments, you thought the guys enjoying that kinds of the fighting scene but what ET telling me on this scene would be: You got jealous of JC, to having a fight in the public, when he suffered, and you wish the guy in front of you would do this kind of talk, because there is something in your head, you imagine all this....

Tell me, what is that you imagine with these? 

Tell me! Its JC and I fight, and? The door will forever OPENS in the END !

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