
I need to get back to my works a little bit. The System talking....to the Music segament. (Military)

Wing you have one more video last Post, I will insert in later upload completely.

Now...In the System, where Music or this is a brand new category in Military. Might be just generally saying that is the "Military".

Like Military Music Attacks, I don't know what words they might be associate with all this problematic, but yes, they are finding helps from other people. However, some people have the skills, don't mean they are so old, they cannot get the face back, you know what I mean? We started in 2018 to that period of time up to 2020. That would be the first bracket, you can say now, that is 3 or 4 years ago. People grow up in those years, we are August 2022.

They need to put more than one human in that Category? 

You gonna be joking me, I don't just belong to one category all by myself, in how many category to become Lords of Rings? I will tell you how you see this things.

Its one circle to another circle from that Red Circle lines going outside. So you needs to separate a few paints. You know what I mean? Its gradually, like a baby cell, they multiply....One by one by one....and then there are the Green Arrows.

You don't think...this looks bad enough?

okay, I show you....how this paints works.

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