
I know the PC games those elf things, cute....in American culture, what is an Elf? Like Patrick's day, those outfit.

The translation to corresponding to Chinese....No. There are other words more like Phantom, or Fox....one of those bad things around. Its ghosty....


You go to the Educational Department Congress, to listing all out Middle School failure by height saying, and doing a cross comparison to their ought to set environment. Those people going with it? 

Their targeting would be Indian Bible how girls become the murderer....one of those. If they don't go to the military. 

I think...its not immediate, there are guys on the monitor still in the same story format. But that best friend 19, they become more and more closer buddy pal? Wing sent to Iceland....???!

Keanu has the money, not 19 Anita has the money.

I can warning them, not that I can dictating that Constitutional Laws, keep saying the freedom rythmn and they never grow up....one of those.

There is a teacher disappear. She becomes the maid of that Zac looking magician.

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