
I gonna go now? Still sleepy, and drawsy, Babaji....


You mean Wing and me song, what?

Yeah? how do you met each other?

In class, we have TA lab, we walk together, his lab its right in front of me. We are across to each other.


The last lab I have 2 things broken, that  000000000000 too (2 )  lab.....

oh ! 


I think Indian 500 years old are looking for you.

He won't become the monk.

Not about that.

Then its about the song?




Indian 500 years old: How do you know 5 Lords?

In Class.

Indian 500 years old: oh! You walk on top of them?

I pass by I say hi? Its 20 years ago, I will tell you, I forget how everyone starting the conversation, probably its me saying hi first. I say probably. I don't remember clearly. If the facebook didn't show up, I don't think we will know each other this far enough.

Indian 500 years old: oh ! Do you date anyone?

No. We barely know each other, that is what I would say, really.

Indian 500 years old: Does 滿慈子 she... ??


Indian 500 years old: I wonder how you go to class.

You are not saying I re-done this Khan Academy things.

Indian 500 years old: You are the one saying 10 subjects in 10 channel in 10 video each anyway.


Indian 500 years old: Deliver it.

Fine. Anything particularly request?

Indian 500 years old: Don't do the geography or French, she is crying....either, or neither.

oh ~! 

Indian 500 years old: I was wondering ....


Indian 500 years old: Do you have a tissue box?


Indian 500 years old: Oh !~ 

... Its at you and Babaji table

Indian 500 years old: Good, you can go now.


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