
I don't want to talk about it. I put out the responsibliity you ought to be doing on your own assignment.

But I know exactly how it will ever went.....the reality does not spell like that.  

Save money


Digital Era

Not 3 meals a day, learn the cooking.

Help yourself to build a community, the more people you helping them, its kinda of your real religion belief, not my religion belief...its you believing the building merits in points, so you do that, like being calculative. Because some decency, you might finding an exit, no matter that is conditioned. Not unconditional.

Mentor some youth.....Because if you don't have kids, you will realize things around this age.

Keep your mental focus, IQ focus

Keep your vision intact, not overweight.

oh my God, I don't want to tell you what its the end all ends meets in the worse of all worsen human life, even if you have the money. Which most of you don't, and you will not help even your parents to get money. 

I was born to have options, I didn't know that. 

But later on my life, I make sure I deliver all the IQ things for that one TV 2015. So I might have more options in 2018 to 2020. Your IQ drops.

Guys not necessarily having all the options, because your are born to say, the guys raise you. I always have to work even with nick. He took our money. I am not sure if he is conditioned.....all those craps I leave it there.

But I tell you the rules of being a decent human deliver FDA cooking methods, wishing them well, no matter what, and still keep an independent spirits. Go to Church, find your own exit and help if you just believing God.

We don't have that options here. We are not here Christian worlds, so if I go on street, I will prolong the time I going on the street by saving my money every month, I have how many days or months to be on the streets, eat, sleep, rest my eyes, and keep going life. I finding all the options I have to be on the street, I actually saying that how loud you can hear, things are only 10 NT, I buy them.....

I am not sure Eben will ever show up, too bad, I have no more human to really telling them how bad you spend the money like 50 times more than 10 NT. 

You know what is a 50 times more on 10 NT? 

You need to get a jobs to eat away your own life, your weight issues, and that become not controlled your weight.....that ending its very very bad.

Do you really seeing the price tag on this food???? Where you social to whom? You making a bread home!!! You making something tasty home. I actually teach you the fast method lazy human does the lazy things. You wishing everyone well, not to be on the street, and still capable to manage one winter, no matter what that is. 

When the end how we excuating this China plan, I will hear or see how many garbage I receiving you all....becoming no more options situations.

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