
Craig Ballantyne, he supposed to belong to that 3+1 human with ....he ETR as a group, having different columnist or writers in that monthly publication, if they are still what I remembered used to, there are populated by other's writer's name.

Right now his website IP setting their own private server...its seeing everyone visiting his site, so I have visits. 

People like them often have nothing inside but arrogence, one of them are Dr. Will Turtle, and one of them are Bashar. 

Kryon and Dr. Gabriel are fine. 

Its the money. Bashar...his education probably its low...but money on that mouth and face, like the Chinese describe 嘴臉, that entity of itself....probably will be his biggest woe or wound. 

American education are low on average, meaning how the freedom act on keep vola every 2 second their 2 cents are those superstitious makes a fun tale, a fun saying, a fun argumentative to look like they are important on Earthly existence as long as they open their mouth. If you cut your tongue for the whole life, next 16 life, maybe I will give you more credits then...if you trying to die on the street hopeless...what you meant I have a name, I meant exactly how you make it in the end of that every story telling you.... Zen. 

There are millions ways I can make someone happy and die on every portion of every second you breath....its between you bet on whom has IQ issues only, not just when the Power becomes a real Throning power, you are always remaining powerless.

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