
CEO Lesson (Movie: Intern 2015, to that accordance of Devil Wear Prada)

Eben Side

In the frames of your computer that you dominating a page that your users or a buyer visits to, you realize its right in front of your peripheral, same as their peripheral. You have an invisible frame works of that insert line and square, or rectangle, not to bothering the visit's eye sight, most time its the white background. To that every design, you spent the money, or without the money, however the resourceful ending to that results, you have one shot, one visit, one click  (turn table rate) 

Craig Ballantyne

The hard wash sink like the pipeline of a "hard water" pipe, for example, I am the chemist background. The industrialist. To saying how to rise up early, and get rid of your habitual living before Noon time, its not as a solid example as you should phrase it out, even if you doing all that as your current life, 5 olcock waking up snow plowing, you will still end up homeless in fears. So you get a mentor like them to hoping a business opportunity will land itself in the networks and you copy paste everyone through that congregation lands. You hear, you see, you learn, you polish, and you become. 

Simon Cowell

How I have ever wondered that Bible in the revelation has a music saying to the ears? Pleasing to the soul. It would be most efficient to say its the presentation. But what I can really telling you, for what the public data in the end of all that festivity, what they putting it all up, or advertising...the most public just cannot breath on their own performance after what...1 month they prepare for that American Got Talent. Its before the show they cannot breath, its after the show they cannot breath. In the end of that 5 mins audition or the chances, no matter ending in the TV shows without the email notification, they will still watching that TV, and NEVER breathing right.

That is the humanity. the public mediocre present thyself in the eyes of God saying worthy souls to the future, here they come. The up or down the rising of the Civilization.

Janitor, Carpentor or a Book writer, his own biography, Nick Catricala

The family living of that unit per unit, how every marriage fail towards the old age, the last thing I ever heard were that he has no patience. I will tell you, that was not before I meeting that one guy name Eben Pagan on this first paragraph, to say what was my living hell. 

In the normal sense of the family unit setting, you will hope beyond all that none seen things in front of my eyes, it would be 4 stove managing skills how we sit down to eat. How Christmas, we have wrapping papers for the grand kids. I ship that from Buffalo, he live that in Woodbridge Canada. 

There are the driving hours involved to the long distant relationship. My facebook were everyone my younger age busy in their own professional Pharm D, or MD pursuing or PhD. It was a honor class. So in the end of 20 years, they might really end up some few degree human head to the South pole on penguine if they were the field agents. I mean real, "South Pole Penguin on Ice Break" = I close my facebook, to join Eben, Craig, not Simon. It was Inelia Benz. 

There is one book Nick always says Thinking and Grow Rich, its to mastermind your own groups. So that is exactly what I did. And When I becoming the CEO that day on, might be exactly like the movie 2015, I technically i 6 years, I went back to the facebook to finding them back, or dragging them back. It was not the bad term, how me and them ended...most of them are guys, showing up Victoria Secrets Army. To what really happened in the end of the days, only the pegnuine knows, but what I can tell you, everything are not a great lesson of how a CEO me will really putting into a word, a simple gesture, "Show me your 4 stove skills" to those repeating MD every 16 years on one Dr. T, their first talkative professor Asian to asking him a real right question to hoping they will not repeating the next 16 years if this bracket they keep failing at it. 

How strange, its the location how Dr. T movie to SUNY System school from SUNY Buffalo to SUNY Brook, but Anna only says, the third time you repeat, it will be exactly the 4 stoves cooking meal starting on your 32 years the time before,  if you just open your mouth and ASK ME the CEO Lesson, Movie: Intern (2015), after Frozen (2013) and Frozen 1 and 2 (2013, 2019) - that would be my simple words to put at it.

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