
我覺得台灣說,不是中國說,你們出國之後的世界叫做,你們到底去幹嘛 了~~~意思我所有朋友為什麼會全部都在你們的電視上面呢? 跟廣告

I think Taiwan says, not China says. You all going abroad to the New World, where did you go, and what did you do~~~Meaning why is it, my entire friends names lists are on your Television news and commercial?

你們應該是去了大學、碩士、交友社交、結婚還是? 他人父母親? 然後呢?

You all been to College, Master, Social Friends, or getting married? In-law? And then?


They say you eating very expensive, one lunch box.


One flat Chicken ....flat meat its more than 100 NT, not lunch box.


(Do I want to know what they want to tell me, you are in debts? 我想知道他們想跟我說什麼嗎 ? 你們有負債嗎 ? )


你們現在幾歲? 不是籃球,就是那個電影 Bolton 那個男孩子電影? 你們的體力...是足球

How old are you? Not basketball, not that movie Bolton guy's movie? Your physical...its a soccer ball.

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