
You have no exit in life, unless you do what I tell you. Here is your sheet of paper, in 5 years, you will know how to use this piece of paper.

 "I solmon swear, I up to no one good."

"I solomon swear, I have all the illness intention including ruin my own life with my eyes insist to close."

"I swear, its the only road I ever wish to continue, its to keep ruin everyone's life in it with myself too right in front of All parents, all guys, all audience, all police."

"I swear I have thought one guy will at least sympathesize me at least from Anna's own facebook to justify her attitude. I was wrong. They are all targeting at me, rotton button everyon'e life."

"I swear I wish no sibling good"

"I swear, I wish my parents dead for good."

Say it, and keep the copy in the desk. In 5 years you comply to your words how you promise God you faithfully does that routine you promise, in 5 years this piece of paper you repeat loud today, you will know how to use it well.

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