
You are passive, or you looking at your own co-workers, we are reading the same reading lists? My brother has 7 years younger, they all looking about the same?

When someone comes to you talking to you?

You make them talking to you, or you talking to them? Which one of you inquisitive each other? 

You telling your parents, you just want to be a face card or a puppy, or what was it...this is your maid to be literate, he or she is governmental, younger, senior, or whichever eyes sight, you look at him or her, the height?

Do you know SMCH they always looking for maid? A lot of people they fight to get in those volunteering jobs, so even if you getting a job, that is no paid, but just stand there to solve issues, how do you make yourself useful, to SOLVE the issues, less to looks like a student? 

That is what you say, or that is what I say....your future to becoming? 

You are testing how far you can poke China, or you trying to just say it out loud everyday on line, everyone has a problem, how I express myself? The personality how you carry a conversation?

"So....you just arrive? You want to sit down, tea, milk, orange juice?" 

🍓🥭 "I prefer where my parents will be, that is Hong Kong we are familiar."

He gonna makes you feel comfortable or you trying to make him feel comfortable?

🍓🥭 Do you know yourself, you going to China, or staying in Hong Kong, we have both visa issues, just landing in China, every 6 months getting out of the property? That is what SMCH does....in Taiwan. She is a Vietnamese.

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