
Wing, do you want to increase your personal friends' their assets to their personal ability, no matter what that is, to one day how to arrive their financial success, including introducing my side I say web 2.0? 你想不想增加你朋友們的個人能力,直到一天他們可以得到經濟的成功,包括我這邊說的 Web 2.0

Do you know how to step people up....spoonful by spoonful, not how you trash them, step on them, you becoming higher up? You believe that with China, Hong Kong or Taiwan? Or America? To your own facebook...apparently I think you have the most resentament its how you can get rid of your own facebook. You are not so concern on my facebook as if....

所以 Zawanna might be saying 是說誰說他說?

意思你有家人之外的朋友、親戚、表堂兄弟、那你美國朋友的臉書是 UB的廢人還是?


So Zawanna might be saying....whom to whom he says?

Meaning you have family outside friends, relative, cousin from both parents sides, and that your American friends on your facebook, are they those UB junks none sense human or? 

I speak in English 我現在講英文

Let's I Anna need to broadcast to my entire world, I formula a quick statements of how to tell my friends, we can have a plan how to transpassing China from Taiwan, and here is your happy life might be. You starting at Taiwan first. Let me go there first with Eben. 

We do not have all the plans, but we are saying a trajectory how everyone has to first agree and feeling about it, not all kinds of foreign says metropolitan competition from a small island to land in a big China market? 

You Wing's jobs, right now....its you grab your precious Facebook whom, to really in person telling them your current statues....you are thinking to moving back to Hong Kong, but Anna says, that is an Exile statues in Taiwan.

There is a monk doing that separation from his mother, his name is 一休和尚

He was the Prince, everyone knew that story. 

You Wing really hate I speaking in Chinese, why? 

你其實非常討厭我講中文是嗎? 你家人很多嗎 ? 你跟他們不是同一體的? 同一個世界叫做兩河流域? 你為什麼這麼討厭我講中文呢? 是因為你必須學中文嗎 ? 還是你的哪個朋友美國的看不懂中文呢? 你非常討厭我講中文,不是這樣嗎 ? ~ 那會什麼你的喜好跟真假 ,你做人的基礎建設,你對人生的道德觀就是你 Wing 想幹嘛 就幹嘛 ! 

傳統文化沒有,美國成績單叫做現在好了~見真假,你的成績單當初的冰淇淋工作,是之後全部都是假的嗎 ?





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