
๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ What is the sky says 2 or 3 portion, the first two are identical, but more blue-ish, with a sperm or a hands to touch that....blueish...food? ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

You mean everyone else gain weight, and I thought you didn't gain weight? Ola?

My mother its eating her Friday festivity food. 

You are not saying, "I am hungry all the time?", like you are pregament, you can eating a cow? I never research that, let me see.


You can try Yahoo Answer, so Ola shows up at Cow..Simon, was not the MD reasons, its the food reason? 

13 dark clouds, not white clouds. You mean...Ocean 13, like Gasino food like Ola you eating Casino Buffet? You mean Madarin Buffets? 

You know what happened to Tina? She has this trouble with Hank, so the lawyers from Taiwan someone recommending through connection or friends. Die. From COVID 19.

I am reading it through now (busy at the birds tank water outside and my eyes, and get the Lychee to eat)

Cheese burger, Potato, any forms.

Pickle, BBQ sauce? Potato salad with what? Prezel and m & m?

I think....you all forgotton telling me what is the food choices now. Ranch Dorito?

What is that Zac Effron put in his mouth? He is so hungry?

Bill, he is the blueish....side by. X man, not Iron man....? The Earth knows everything, I am telling you, just look at the sky. oh my God, however they saying it.

What is the Sky says? I cannot understand it.

Lower horizon, all darken, BIG Poo looking, then...cute deer like Snape that, but its a ring on the top head, Halo?

then like chicken drum on the right side lower hortizon. I can only see 1.

Its not Lilly. You have some bad gas...not digestible? Not good digestion?  Fried Chicken drum, meaning pimpo? 

Halo, she no aim angel...you mean Harry Style?


Its a Big dophin with 5 smaller fish on Top?

and this dophin bites....a tail...

You are not vegetarian to say magic? 


Do they mean submarine, or shoes, with the...upper top all that.

Topping? Effron, Zac, he eats....Topping dressing that stuffs.

I am occupied to this old or new Zawanna, how many time either he or me lost memory, one of those inbook, out book frames story. 

There is a cafeteria...

I met him there? If not these few days I am so occupied, I would be finishing that 4 times slot, I am telling you, if I keep walking 4 times a day 4 hours, you mean how long you are in a gym? like 3 hours? But how come you eating like 3 real meals, or just you mean a snack here or there?

I cannot possibly eating one sandwitch, or ...anything down.

They are not saying those are the Classify girls? Zac Effron movies?  Its more like an university cafeteria on the Eastern American side.

Ub we have no cafeteria....we have food court. 

oh ~the South campus dorm has the cafeteria....The medical campus.

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