
UB girls, I think you should do. CAC goes to Dennis, telling him, exactly every finance last 16 years, what's left in your bank account, and report him annually. He is very nice guy.

Honor Class, you should tell Wing or...you say Dean. If you go to Dean, Justin....you go behind. Dean is...not good anything particular that side. 

You talk to Dennis or Wing....now. They might be mad, might be asking you if you tell your parents. Start having a dialgue, all your girls finance. 

I mean it. What do you eat, where do you drive, how do you run your daily budgets to how much left up to UB 2020. (Because I Anna just started at 2020, I don't have anything up to that point) 

You ask Dennis or Wing, how to tell your parents. Explaining clearly what happened to you. 

When you Wing or Dennis finished...you two have no supports behind, you two go to this 3 guys I put in the groups. Brian, Eric, Jonas (or if you finding that one looking like Eric guys), both of them are fine.

You both reporting to 3 or 4, if you finding them. You guys need to keep all these money correctly and situation. This is very bad news for a lot of us. You lie, you eat, you run down your memory, and your health. They are themselve as the guys. I told them everything you girls did wrong in the relationship. We are not going to fix this things, but because all of you, including all of them are near by in this movie gerne.....We are not sure what that ET is, is that human just putting there saying deal with it, or really there are ET. 

But things that run in confident, as that class, those guys can make it report clearly, exactly just like that School Built, to be that right form. Whatever the future gonna come...in. We see movies, we will know what happened.

These are the things I want to know

Alcohol Consumption

Period cramp, what do you do per month

How often you shower, have you just go to bed without showering

Do you take pills, what prescription or sleeping pills you are taken

Have you girls taken drugs

Have you currently be friends to anyone taken drugs right now, on your facebook, right now? 

Do you ever had a black bf?

What kinds of the diets do you currently have? 16 years, what shall you say, averagely daily walking, or not walking, exercising, fitness, aeraboic, to total house break down per weekly. Like "I walk everyday inside house, outside house, I cannot get my weight moving anything right." 

There are things inside the movies, you don't dare to tell people, you wish to have time, or supports, what kinds of the supports you need? 

Can you clearly define, its human targeting you, or ET targeting you?

Have you seen the sky, cloud, sun, animal targeting you, you fear, you cannot talk out? What remedy you finding to solve everyone knew the secrets to when they will show up themselves to Anna and tell me, everything you don't say secrets?

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