
你們覺得家樂福很誇張~~ They bought Welcome, they bought Jason Market (Mia C'bon)....是說你們去那個 Isle 那些 Swiss Chocolate, Pocky, and 9 in one bags Pocky, 你們跑去看得意思

I am in Taiwan 我在台灣耶!

I cannot film "A Day in Life" in there...not really I think 我應該是不能錄影那個家樂福像說,我一天都在幹嘛 的那個 A Day in Life.

我寫好你們自己去看呀 !

I write it down, you go and finding out.

我現在看了一些這個英國首相發起的 A Day in Life ,你們是說你們希望給你們家長、同學、朋友、男孩子知道你們是很認真的一個人嗎 ? 你們確定?

I watching now this England Prime Minister starting this "A Day in Life", You saying you wish your parents, your classmate, your friends, your guys whom knowing you are a very serious person? You sure about that? 


I think if you girls all just keep posting your photo, maybe they will feel more forgiving to you now.

Sometimes guys are very forgiving by seeing you being happy by yourself, not to give anyone trouble. Be happy, go lucky, those kinds, whatever you do. They can see what kinds of the life you end up somewhere else, happy?

New Song, sang by the guy - Lyrics: suffering to make it in the Winter...


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