


There are the things you Ola only ever cared about...

There are other things Eben cared about....to what he will see.....

Which parts? 

yeah? ~~~

There are people not Irene, not Square, not Adam Hailey, not Pierre Meghan.....

Do you know how much money you buy a bag of flour here? In Taiwan?

Like me and Eben could just getting one of my mother found it Italian made of Small Oven, in case he doesn't eat that much bread anymore.

You want to compare that to America?

Eating out it is expensive, you are saying the American wage, or the American Salary?

So if you could just copy paste Anna's every skills, to that every skills in the food preparation, Eben wants to know that math...where he ends up just throw me coins bags again?

You probably never seen the Facebook merchants filled up sea.......junks. On One Facebook when he change his location, or he will be using my facebook? 

Ola, when you grow up, your parents raise your entire household

That household has only few people in it. Meaning you tidy up your living quarter, interior design, polish your manner to the guest invitation, or everything you saying the Cooking, Preparation the Food while Traveling, save the budgets, knowing the electrocity, water utility, knowing the phone line, knowing the international per monthly line like Skype, knowing your connection in the city, whom or what to call, whom to contact, to what you speak of that language....to become the local residence. A girl deliver what kind of a job, to carry half of the household, in everything organized at? 

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