
Some human only believes their Facebook are the only Best things they ever collects. Its not about other people's facebook. Their small tiny mind worlds.

Guys are not always subtle. You imagine every guy taking care of a girl's needs, your world military does those helping the needie, not really your realitistc debtor American guys.

To that every talk, you suppose to guide the guys, in direction, with the words, with the confidents, with the correct outlook of life, that carried that life, either they create the mess, or they on purpose to ruin everyone's life with their existence in it.

You called them the psycho.

There is certain things are not negotiable, and I can see, its on the way.

Most people's mentality are low, when they running low in money, in jobs, in connections. For some, they have to living in that floury fake White guys world, to imagine he is a tall Asian....to do business. He doesn't really care a dime where the family was, or the truth, but at least he didn't come near by to ruin everyone else's world with his life in it. 

Some guys like that are very very bad. 

The girls like you

are not functiona. Anyone just look at you, knowing you are hopeless in the jobs, in the presentation in the family background, you just have no money. 

Whatever the jobs, we believing in it, you might be in it, won't last long. The female jail inmate, its the last thing, we ever hope that is what we heard. Just like the TV. The jail person? Its a red hair, next by that next by. This is a very strange looking on the TV

None of us knows what that story its about.

The girls in this society better has the guy's approval what your character is. 

If you are genuinely person, no matter how your New Bf or what you imagine the Wealth comes Rich life comes about, they will find your your first bf to the last husband you ever date, talked, facebook guys reviews on how you trash your own life, and with the intention to kill everyone, being aired on the public television with the signature Stamp on it.

Its always how great Anna Me Facebook human guys from the 5 Lake Region

As if your faceook didn't from the 5 Lake regions.

Maybe you don't remember how you screw up your high school life, that no one knows your face, so you coming a new world where none of us knowing your true faces to become the public demonstrate case, where the Criminal Justice Department must be called, on these small  tiny case, where your parents are told? You telling them whom you are? Proven it every weekend right?

I am telling you, those guys went to graduate school, increasing their brain, or debts, to how they have to be responsible at their jobs.

While these movies and Informatics Market becomes the evident in front of me.They will see, whom they are working with through my facebook, whether they like it or not the hint. If they just figure it out the way to Proven it, the next 5 years before they getting 60 years old?

You want to linger on your that small tiny facebook, or how great your working netoworking through that tiny jobs you did....what is your job title really? Fake data, fake friends to find out your criminal nature since? High School?

You believe that?

You just wish the movies didn't help them with it no one understand the story plots, to when one day I will tell you....

Its how everyone else making a great life rotton world life going up ascension, while you are proven your sexual behavior in gambling, to that real validate bank papers or the future vola chance to Make it Life.

Believe that? In jails....

At that time, you still needs a job to proven you cooked yourself 3 meals a day, without the parents, without the sibling, without the uncle, without the aunt, without the friends. To where you will find out how you just have to sit lonely 3 meals a day 7 days a week...to hope where that heat money if you keep the house. 

The Real life proven it in wildness.

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