
๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ Its 7:00, I am so tired. Birds...What? ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ

In this society, outlaws people are very very bad, there are different ways of Police handle these things, and eventually they become the felony exactly how that side by side went to....this Eben's karma is pulling out of something as ET says, that means?

Someone is going in.....to be the past to that Future.

I have gut feelings, that is on someone's table, or my paper work table? No one can see what you did....When someone did that to you on the TV screen, I think its very clear, just like you feel, jump and die. To be honest, any of us, to run around the whole worlds, to ended with things the beginning having a you stuck there.....you should just go to hell with the entire family with it, I am telling you. Whatever I see.

You want to try to spin this First Degree Murder  (W Two Worlds)

Real Love Never Rule/rythm? Story? How you pregnant to the degree, Kail says what the Yuri's first pregnancy? You doing on purpose, that is 2 lifes. If Alice added in, that is 3 life someone didn't see it. In your Ola sense, when you starting hearing Anna I can evaporate the entire planet human population, you taken it, every life can just die, by your whipping nose, put an apple on it? That sounds Dear? British Accent?

Spin 2 

How does the guys coming back home, your brother? Everyone just drop dead? And he sent to trial and got jailed? He has a coach, has a life, has a trajectory of Life moving forward? With a gun? You mean Chess?

Does your brother play chess?

That guy actor is my brother's age. Tina is your Torus Sign, let me guess, you 3 Torus will guess whom have a higher degree or altitude to breath air, that would be the 4th Volleyball Torus.

This entire story I watching I watching I watching, how Hank becomes the editors of the comics books. You have a brother-in-law, you mean your brother he is a gay?

Spin 3

Let me guess that Iron man is a suit, but the W Two Worlds its a cloak, cloth....Meaning Neo? You mean Matrix Blackness Empire (Chinese Translation in Movie)

Spin 4

Transpassinig the worlds, with my brother faces in it, and Hank....and somewhere me. I never left Buffalo until 2010. Meaning I am not the ABC proven worth in Poland or In Taiwan. My brother coming back Taiwan EVERY year, guess if my uncle are tailing behind? 

You mean this is the whole planes Simon carried or whom carried behind you, all together, they didn't know how many times they move homes, if you One Ola Flies?

How is your cousin Julia, small tiny? 

Spin 5

Do they mean you have someone you liking it in Poland, how this guy will eventually learninig how to evoking himself to appear in our worlds, outside the book worlds, your real worlds?

Meaning....he has a high school sweet heart too? 

Everyone has their own high school sweet heart? You want to tell Mat about it? Maybe the guys talk better and investigate better?

Spin 6

You imagine he bought a very very very expensive cloth, so then you slip him face first, and then you kiss the guy second....to left the Scene or you making a scene?

On the facebook?

Slap the face, and turn around the book? You had one photo I saw you turning around behind, written what in Polish?

You know I had a dream today? I think I know whom you wish he to kisses you. Its not your brother or that guy. Its Hank, the editor!  It has to be far remove Niagara Falls the Canadian site? You mean I wish that Tony and Carla can just fall off their cliff in front of their houses, the collectors door or the debtors?

Spin 7

oh ~ You mean the Frozen, the Southern Isle? 12 brother?

I thought SMTV has a 8 brother like the comic books Blue book under that same author of the Sailor Moon. His hair was dyed.


Spin 8

The guys southern isle lost his way, or exile somewhere

Your brother got jailed

So where is Dean, the originally supposed to be ....Gun at? Your brother again. Meaning you treat them like the brothers? You mean the church Dean?

If you have a life in Poland, I never heard of it those Julie & Julia, she was not born yet? How those decoration just look at it, I need a handichef to stand there....really.

How Wing Liu has wished, just before he shows up at the door way, he has that piece of paper like he finished something or else his eternity might be just ended up....those Niagara Falls Cliff....lying to me that every jobs he ever took shapen himself up in Life?


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