
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– In the movie gerne, even if you skype zoom that Karen, guys one side, girls one side, watching Action Movies vs Chick Flips movies....๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Is your guys really worth that much, than something you girls do together for the movies, occasionally to build up that life? These guys have other exits, you girls are not.....that kinds of the girls to stay forever, if were?

Do you ever ask them?

Ask your dad?

Do you know what is an educator or a Priesthood capable in their tolerance to do? 

Staying on one case, Helen Keller? As for your guys language skills, not kidnap each other on the money exit? 

You cooking for him, washing for him, tidy up the entire house because they are like Annca, gaying outside making a mess at home. Not even a place to eat a dish?

You don't do that every single day. You are just being nice....Not about the head lowering down or up....If nick knew I was in a lot of crisis, and make a whole mess of the house, he might still coming in staring at that Eben and cleaning up the entire house, the laundry, the bed sheet?  

I am not like that, but when you choosing your spouse, your situation with him, has to become an enemy in the end?


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