
If you are a girl, you should like about a guy. By that intuitive sense. Foster them, sometimes you organize for them, set things up for them. Like beautify their worlds....provide a safe envrionment, whatever that is.

They have the room going in, coming out. They have Freedom to go, to stay, or to leave.

A lot of times, stationary....

I know they looks like none sense, but you spending time to beautify something he can flip open and sees, and you take that as a hobby, to organize, let's say I told Eben, nick's library, its I cataloging for him, you want me to do what for you? Its every book? 

I have Done....

Nick's excel key-in recipts, he took it to the accountant.

Wash the dishes and display them in the racks.

Lightly detoxify all the kitchen, after cooking.

Tell Eben, what so many cleaning methods like the hotel has an invented products too??

You know....talk about the science, the technology, the thing with ET, or the Classify...enlarge their curiosity, teach them how to make something more pretty. 

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