
For example, Eben he is in many these connection to those....Jews, or whom calling whom, he does that for a living. Me Anna can just go behind, still online, doing ...

1) Laws

2) Medical, seems like I love talking about the same things over and over and over, in the 100 times I say the different things. They say if I like to do those redudant things, be their guests.

The other performing arts, can give to those youth to go and play.

3) Joomla its a content management system but that is = an infrastructure. I have to set it up to show people how those looks like? 

4) Speaking the Chinese through web 2.0, its an ongoing materials.

I got plenty on this side what my original jobs supposed to be?

Mix to that Eben will initiate those movie gerne, how my UB crowd, they go and watching the movies one by one by Anna's sequence this far? I don't know anything about the movie, he can organized this new activities? 

So Wing, what is your Jobs? My Jobs are 3) and 4)

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