
Your father tellings you? If the best friends position...I don't have a best friend, I keep saying that.

If someone 20 years ago, never message you, AOL, or whatever those communication methods to sound like you exist at your parents home, there is nothing you ever....saying, how we have any interaction to Dean, he just showing up there, to see everything looks fine. 

I am pretty sure, I talking to Wing, to Jonathon, to Ola, and Melinda, more than any other girls exist there. Real talking, like saying things to each other. 

I study together with them. That is per hour saying, not just TA lab offices...I walk with Wing the first semester, how I knew whom he is, what his major supposes to be?

I never asked what is your major, what is your future, what is the plan you have in life, what your bf, whom you dating with, I just listen. Did I ever command anything like you exist, or why you exist, to saying, that is more like an acquaintance saying. 

There are certain human they never achieve anything in life.....My field only has the compeitive guys works exist. You two girls just working like....Tina's those banking field, or some urban planning which, you will never make a debut on the public stage with what you talk, voice of talking, ever....

Being nice, that doesn't mean every stage of my life, everyone I just leave...its a norm. No one left behind.

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