
๐Ÿฅ๐ŸฅŸ๐Ÿฒ You want to separate the cooking categories? No desserts, but one soup base, one white rice, one combination rice you found the Internet Youtube video, one slow cooker recipe, one casserole, one pasta, one bread recipe? ๐Ÿฅ๐ŸฅŸ๐Ÿฒ

You can feed yourself for the rest of your life, never bothering to give to your commanders, they are eating the cafeteria just like the rest of the commanders? 

You know my cousin Square? She is the movie, ART persons. Meaning painting the entire wall of her room purple, those artists, emotional lasbian. She would never OPEN a restaurant for 7 long years, I live here almost to 6 long years. 

She doesn't cook, she doesn't wash, she doesn't do her own bed sheet, she always lives in the military dorm to snuggle her mother, her father when they were middle school, like us run away with her mother's best friends. That two kids, Square and her brother are the snuggle with their mother's types.

And that Square in any lotto winning methods, she would never OPEN a restaurant to the NEW age recipe, like a gluten free. Those high luxury interior design with her the other side of cousin, right where facing Irene's parents house, right there.

I have no ideas how that miracle happend. She doesn't know how to shop the vegetables, and SMCH initiates those disciples telling my mother, she doesn't even know how to pick the local vegetable.....

Her living quarter are a mess, dirty, mediocre, average, and certainly never my house, she called my mother and my father a particular name of Respect, we have the interior design, they live in the shitty military dorm.  She has no style in her clothing, she has no methods cooking a functional meal, and she has nothing but dirtyness everywhere you look at her. 

Everywhere....its 7 long years she has a restaurant.

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