
You repent yet? Geology human…to when you will pray ever? (Geography)

It’s every morning you wake up so so so so early !!!

You label sunrise——-where?

Sundown ————sunrise a line on the crust? And, is that north south line.


Eben program

No, that’s land looking up up up to when you die by a merely temperature change like iron man.

Part 2 - it living on Jupiter or Saturn, gastrous when we far?

Unless you brings 7 billions cows on them, UN won’t says a thing.

So crust is land?


Below the crust?

Might be underground water stream, the very shallow surface compare to the center of the earth radius, but for the machinery, you will die on permits of the city planning or urban planning like Taipei its a basin, we have earthquake …

Crust means?

Soil, cracked Arizona lands, deservitation, you see lands that’s land, that’s water? You don’t know what you looking at?

Called “barren land” “swampy land” cannot develop, meaning water grass?

“Deservitation land” 🦅🦅🦅 Shut up, birds. (On swam )

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