
You know, some guys, whichever guys that is you see him inside this Cartoon, or analyze whom or what...some guys their energy momentum are much faster

Meaning they get up, run outside to get all the paper done, one, two, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7....they get their chair up, never just sit there thinking, not to get those things on the list done. 

They prepare themselves, they will just get up, move their energy fast in this entire setting of the environment, to validate, to proven submit, to communicate, to investigate....their energy always born to get up, and run outside, getting the location A, B, C, D, E....to get there, seeing the real structure, the real human face, the real ID check up....one thing after another.

You know what that life suppose to get up and go? Run outside that door?

You drive somewhere, you check A, B, C, D, E.....You actually need a car key, get ready to move the car, and complete this task behind 1 to 20 tasks they lists on their paper works. When you don't just sit there to imagine the romance, but kidnap them money to get fat romance imagination, if you do what they do, they understand your language will sound different, your plan works will look different, you will have your work station how to deal upon certain things, and where did you go and get those things done? 

These guys actually love to get going with their butt not glueing on the chair to watching the movies? They do their own things, live their happy life, single or double, or a household? 

Do you know what that means, they put their paper works organized, in front of them. Set that standard this movie moving them along some story plots, and they are figuring out their life, with other people's life in it, not selfishly, but collaboratively? 

Do you want to ask them, if they cry? Crying at the heart? Like the tears dripping down at the cheek, to feel the red of their face exactly like the novel desription? 

You don't say to them "Oh ~you have time sitting there to tear glands on dropping crying loud...for sakes."

Will I ever get old? You want to start that one?

Meaning will I ever die? You don't think that might be some human imagine they are the medical profession, there is mortality rate, not just morality possible 500 years darkness.....

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