
๐Ÿฅฆ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ Is that saying you are hungry when you are on the weight program? ๐Ÿฅฆ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ I don't even know whom are on the weight programs.

Those girls have debts, not that they have the weight....or unless there are unseen fat, I cannot seen the surface, of Ola's Tiny 4.0? They gain weight? They are shorter than Ola or about the same height like us.

Like for 2 days, I didn't go out. I am so tired since Sunday, I keep sleeping in including Monday today whole day.

I eating my mother's cook, but mostly bamboo, lychee, and juice. I didn't go out to walk, for somehow I feel cage in. Just not feeling that well to go out and walking very early in the morning. I cannot wake up...maybe I need the sleeps? 

So I gonna see tomorrow I feel better to keep doing this weight down walking...that is for tomorrow, but I go to bed early yesterday. When you are on the weight program, you need someone to watch you. Your mood, your weight, your tiredness....These are not supposed to bother me, but I feel tired, that is true. I am not on the fasting mode

I feel like eating, so I keep eating the watermelon, lychee, or bamboo? I did. 

Yesterday and today. No, those things don't stuck inside your colon, if you are saying why I keep eating? There are the food choice, if you craving something in the mouth, that is not chips...I drink water too. 

But my right lip upper skin to the right nose, inside, its redness 2 days now. Very badly...red. I put vasilin on it, it burn. I keep washing washing washing, and drinkiing water. I even take one of those acetamphine the other day. I am not sure it will work. But I put vasilin now. 


When you are on this mucusless diet, or some kinda of diets to trim down your fat, your stomach will be the most toxic out organs trying to...eliminating waste, kinda like if you eat a bowl of salad, your stomach can use the veggie, raw green you chew to rub your entire stomach lining, to clean out. Like Shredded carrots. Raw.

Every fruits can do that too, with the green salad. 

Except if you have diabete, I will not know if you can have that much of fruits. 

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