
When you not used to do something, you scream and yell.

When you are tired , you are on edges. When someone asked you to do something, you feel uneasy, you go home bad temper. 

If you put 2 guys next by each other’s, they beat each other up.  You put a girl near them she cannot shut her big mouth up, just cook something, put sugar in them to calm down the situation.

Your internal built it’s often at zero, culture at zero, morality at zero, the common sense at zero, the methodity is zero, the knowledge, the carry on task, the spirits are all at zero. 

Your endurance is at zero, your face is at 1000%, your words lacking shorts, your education it’s free so you just meant every other worlds managing things but Vola monents just those got talents shoes formats none stop.

You got nerves by your teacher present …what is my face looks like?

Your pitch it’s wrong you notes it’s wrong, your diets is wrong your face on livers it’s wrong, your hair smell wrong, it’s one thousand things it’s everything wrong but you insist you are right.

I say lay things out 1 to 1000. You have 100 human, that’s 10 each bullet points.
Your IQ at zero, your school degree is zero. 

You want to tell me how many times if Anna would do things ? It’s you calling my names for?

You cannot organized, you cannot be mobile. You can not instantly work things out inside your brain like a basic organization to run 10 human in UB, you do things just boss then A to Z.
Tamang you imagine he is the one? 
See Jonathon or Wings listens a words he opens his mouth or not.
You arrived you land, you start zero to 10,000 things to do. You lay out the organization structure, you say whom called what… to get rid of Adam Hailey? If each every utility company, school district, University football stadium ?
They have 20 human, I can just one human get things done, not bossing them. “Johnson home? Sorry, I need a telephone ?”

Eben bugs you, ETR bugs you, Masterson bugs you, does nick Sun glasses bothering you?

It’s every whimp thought everyone bothering you. “My intuition tells me…”

“My 2 cents telling me…”

“I got bad vib”

“I am not sure…”

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