
The Pirates of Caribeans - black beards?

Water is something I keep saying worse of things, pirates, the body guard, height human allergic, got sick. Not just the coastline often roll peoples life away near Taiwan here.

Swamp worse.

The military human often just miss all those home, termites at.

I told you those Star Buck tea water irs very very bad for you. Most you don’t think about health. Not at all. If you take too many counter drugs, its bad at your liver.  Just taken vitamin C it’s not enough. 

You miss certain things. Internal built its zero. 

You talk too much with your mouth opens, those bad air to where each public space at, you catch flu or cough, all the times. Human are very very dirty okay? Very.

You never leaves your foot at cold water? Like a bucket in the winter, hot water then cold. You will get cold. It’s very bad at the health, every one of that.

You imagine venture, the Vola, the commercial goods robbing, finding the treasure ….you could just do that in the city and shopping mall online catalog.

That movie behind something bad. My eyes hurts. It’s scanning …

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