
What does this looks to you? Guys happiness in the bottle?

Nick's life....its how many times he keeps saying to me, what was he saying, he is too old...whatever that means. So his entire stories line he told me, or make it up were that....he never says everyone's wife got really old and ugly. Their skin texture. 

I called him Cuttie like far away the trash bins, houses? CUITIE~~~~~~

One of those? You talk with the normal sense. Be happy with the normal sense. Eat with the normal sense, health wise the normal sense. Do you know what is the billing of that medical board making the money with?

His neighbors 4 gathering on the table eating BBQ, for discussing how many surgery they ever went through. That is him nick conversation with me.

Nick and his sister both has pension. Do you know his ex-wife were just one of the housewife, making everyone's life miserable, no career path, just some receptionist, that is paycheck by paycheck.

Do you like to hear a yelow old torn skin, old women coughing? 

Do you know what it really sounds like to your Same Class guys, one day they will all get old, and some may be establish still alive on the facebook, your facebook, not my facebook?

You give them no hope, saying party, saying get together, saying be friends, if not get infected, one of those, you vent negative thinking, talking, wining....no money issues to them. They run away now, or they run away THEN!

Do you want me to tell you the Truth, this one life? nick is waiting Berny to die, or Slam Dunk, that Tim Cook position, shoot a ball, JP morgan still jail or die?

Did he still know whom he is this one life, I thought he lives in the Cottage, not in the CEO Space. He goes there to show off to me, what a big hotel that is over there.

I already say too many times. You girls just hate every guys did something marvelous better than you are, all the time. All the time.

So if you found out the girls are less pointing at your shortcoming, you feel the life can breath better, can eat better, can social girls night out better....you start growing your girls groups. I anna wants, I can do a lot of things. I don't like the girls. You girls like it a lot more than me, towards these talking none sense social interaction the girls night out, the bar night out, or the movies night out, or your parents night out.

If you started it now, the next 40 years you will see a lot of things different. The guys naturally Christian, meaning they are more than happy, you are happy, and grouped alone yourself, to maintain that friendship or networks. You give that efforts for everyone creates equal, and help each other short coming....not about the look, not about the shape, not about the licking tongue, just purely your Line App has one extra group photo profile of your next 365 days, only one day you imagine you all might get together and dress up, will make you feel your life has some exit. That is 4 additional human or 9 or 20 including the father or the mother.

To that every degree I Anna did in SMTV works, I feel that is 1000 human potential, that is the same ideas. You groups only local, that is how you feel resonance. 

You will feel different, when you stacking up your Line App Groups.

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