
๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฅ‘ There are a lot of kinds of fried patty recipe, like the Polish, or Taiwan my mother made, exactly the same. Shred Carrots, cucomber, Potato, with flours, its a batter fried dishes. ๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฅ‘

I think no matter what, Eben is more gear toward the vegetarian or the raw food. Even at home, if I prepare the long strings of cut zucchini, like the raw noodles, you put that in the containers, he added those package sauce, they sell the dressing salad, that is a raw dish? He alone? 

The batter consistent mostly are, salt, water and flours.

Mine recipe on the fried Zucchini or the fried Eggplants here adding the baking powder/baking soda. They are in a package they sell here in Taiwan, before I leave, I just bring a few those cheap package, some for the bread, some for the fried food. 

Its one of those lunch box, you stack them up? All kinds of the lunch box, American selling more of the plastic containers, you can throw them off. 

If you are a girls, there is nothing whole day long I do its running behind to the hotel staff on heating up my food? How difficult could that ever be, to wait Eben coming out of the Seminar?

When I used to be in the seminar, I still going in, at the back end table? A lot of the younger kids sitting behind. Seriously. 

I look at the map, we can go to the park, its the picnic food in the containers, with the plastic sheet of floor....those opening sheets. If you prepare yourself every single day on picnic....that is what I used to do. We live in the cottage you see the water, and the deck, and we eat there, how the rusty kitchen all made of the wood panel, nick glues those on the wall for the Christmas. Either he was done that on purpose, or we never had a family gather on Christmas. His ex wife is a pain in the ass.

Its funny about this cottage, when he bought it, it was a house, he built around the front deck all over, so he put his....swimming pool those long chair, folding chairs on it, for the sun tanning. On the back of the cottage, he built the walkway, you see the Squirrel on my Art in DNA artarian. Its where we hang the clothes, he built the wire, the metal hard wire, very steady.

That is where we facing the river, with the cliff, so there is front water, again. He and mimmo or by himself built the deck.

So these entire area, where he does grew the tomato,.....He leave the dry wood on the front porch... its another big area of deck with the high ceiling roof or shed, these are nothing but deck all around that cottage, huge space of deck structure its to keep the winter wood...like those wood has to be dry one year or 2 years ago, if you purchase from someone else.

I will tell you, we live outdoors most of time. We just sleep on the deck. 

The below photo, those are at Marley's. UB 4 blocks, that property. I have my own patio, I got the Califiornia small farmer's catalog, I shipping those Macdemia nuts and Rasin directly from them, in BOXES, so then they have this all kinds of veg seeds, you cannot take the seed to Canada, so I grew them on my backyard.

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