
The salt kills gem is purely osmosis - Walls of the membrane, soften your vegetable in the water, you knew the time long enough in the salt water?

You never wash the vegetable? How do you know they are in the salt water long enough? Touch it.

To your wound, you say the military are cruel? In jail? The pulled fingernails.

You don’t see, you don’t hear, you don’t touch and validate anything you learn and built upon the knowledge to any scientific procedure how to run in life…hygienic, I already say 5000 water bucket, why I even say that, at all…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ… they laugh at your 5000…ๅ’ฏๅ’ฏๅ’ฏ (now, ๅ”งๅ”งๅ”ง)

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