
The artificial dye?

It’s edible. You only have an artificial …”dye”. The dye has to be the artificial. 人工色素,有色素不是人工的?蟲 紅 40, no, 那不是人工的,啊,我為什麼說必須人工的?

The cake dye? Yes.

The bug dye. No. That’s ….living things. Well, when I say why has to be artificial ? You really care what you eat or?

Both at the ingredient session, it’s dust= 雜質

English says its impurity. It’s a physical seen things, detectible.

When you say the nutritional box, it’s at very small scale saying it. “Within that 100 gram percentages how much these vitamin could be, at zero.”

I think you only care about your redundant life 3 meals a day to tears inside your eye frames through 4 points frames any knowledge to you are junks.

You have to have the military or governmental resources = money, parts of its to say join the festivity next 6 -10 years. Or else it’s how you makes money for your life, 3 meals a day, house, trash bin, sun rise schedule Siri?

Unless you imagine you are Trump daughter little princess …

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