
The internal things you built upon…


Like if she critique between me and Dean or Eben, or Wing those ?

Me and Dean and Wing, we are not in the bad terms. If you really ask them in person. Some human imagine things. Some girls has nothing but gang up verbal abuse others all their life to feel exposing the heat. The guys if they knew how I was, they knew whom I was just like I used to be, mild….

Most times if a girl probably wish the guys stands out do something …like a romance journey to be covered by Vartan, one of those.

Uhm… the guys with IQ in my Class year not that many …or else fall in love chance might be real?

Some human put their own position right on the map. It’s the pain more or it’s the envy friendship more. Some girls never had a friendship with a guy, just being nice with the guys, classmates. If you don’t bother many guys life, your karma won’t be sting at the time of emergency and if you take care of the problems like the professional, they understood each other growth were not on the psycho path?
That kinds of belief and supports behind are real. 
She doesn’t have anything like that, it’s a pity. 
Most guys will yell at her, I guess if were she imagine those 3 guys got nothing else to do to yell at me?

You define your position in that every relationship you make sure it’s all a harmonious end.

Aggression to the guys…they were, Dean and Wing were working on campus. Like me, don’t you meet a lot of people in school, everyone told you they have a job?

So the only time I seeing them were that they working, I drop by and say hi. If every guy knew you had a job and be responsible at a job, not psycho naked in the dorm, wacko? The psycho and the wacko.

Building on yourself, sometimes it’s more self-reserved way, not always just lean on the guys 
I tell you what I tell Dean Line App things on the Likedin.

In Taiwan small worlds, its just an island. High speed train 4 hours north south big. If Eben and I didn’t work out, or it was last year…I did always seeking them jobs position. And the Line has all kinds of English groups that sent out 999 messages on the phone App, including the Hallo Kitty. 

I don’t really use Line App that well. My family on it about 6 or 7 people regularly every 2 days messages. You all girls waiting per day per hourly message.

No, I told them about Eben last year. When Eben told me things clear, I went to tell people immediately. I don’t delay those communication no matter what that is.
But then on and off they will tell me things as the time moving on.

I check Line App, because I don’t really know where is Eben ? I didn’t know what Lalla did. I can careless what she is? Eben says clear so I wait Eben. 

At that mean time, I went in these App groups. So …Line Top branch, the only time they got notified it’s when the groups if required police has get in ….
When I put a photo there and comment on things, things will show some difference. That’s the short story I think how Line App Top branch has anything to do with me. It’s every groups - because I went to the wrong groups, those are Chinese Substitute teacher. 

I always had a reason to seek jobs before? So I always after college has to find a job? If you have to find a job in a strange land how you do it? You talk your way in.

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