
Obama Cosmetic? You mean legally Blonde 2? You mean the cosmetic product development? Where they find their talent, or where they test their products at, like Sea crust marketing development human in 101 A9? Next by Craig Ballantyne A8?


No. When you mostly saying about the material science, you mean the physics department, those hardware store, or kitchen appliance, dryer, washer, one of those.

When you saying the liquid like serum, they use not synthetic material, meaning the plants extraction good portion of combine tonic, to make serum. Meaning kinda like the medicinal chemistry, they go to the pharmaceutical science.

But let's say, if my face got burn, somehow, they have methods, how to preserve the skins after the restort....they knew the serum, the bottle, the creme, the scarf remover, or what you known as the "Medical Equipment" business, like the CAT scan in the hospital.

Meaning if you just sit on the Top of the Medical Board staring at them, no matter what....they meant that textbook its not yours to write about it.

One of those back-end talking like a real human does the real human ought to be doing, connection making, your basic education memorization 1 to 1000, failing none stop human population, no matter what yearly efforts.

Maybe you get to one of those City of Hope Conference VIP, like Dr. Bing Shen ought to be going, with whatever Hunger Game, or Committee, or Roswell one of those they have the teams, to sit somewhere to send out help to each other.....they know what serum the Cosmetic Company really is?

For example, if Dr. Bing Shen, or that Mushroom professor or Dr. T research from UB got noticed...

Like those alcohol gel you hand wash sell in the dollar store, you portable carried them in the purse. Those are all from the research institution like the university or MIT one of those, to become a household known products you carry day to day. 

If the cosmetic company found out one of the research newspaper publish at the medical journal, or one of those Tamang looking magazine, those Nature News, or Magazine Hospital News, Medical Equipment news, someone found out something....meaning they reading those by the magazine publisher....

They become the millionaires, those cosmetic company knod their head, or the pharmaceutical company. All these research complex, or public or private sector including the academia worlds are competing to that bio process or synthetic process "To Save the humanity". 

UB south campus are the Medical Professor Research ground, like that Bio 403 professor at. That is where or how the competition goes in every walk so this physics, chemistry, and bio fields. 

They have their own salary, and if the private or the public company sees they seize the right of those product development phase, the professors becomes the millionaires. 

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