
In other words the Material Science must be the 2nd categories in Taiwan, right?


What does that mean the material science?

Every Product development center back-end strategic human on the boiling and melting points, how the hot pasta water dump into the porsellin plates, or rubber plate. You cannot do that. So there is ceramic.

Practically everything in the mother's kitchen...not just the yard.


The sunlight not too hot to melt the Elon Musk car tier business....or the rubber hood that car air things. Do you know that there are export or import business on the small tiny stuffs like that to make money? Those are the material science at the beginning developed that, and then becomes the American Home Network Shopping Channel "You've Got Mail", one of those TV scene? 

I think the tests dates are everyday...how to fail it....Hunger Game Chemistry Department by the Honorable Superior...they say as long as I open my mouth, they do their best to fail it all.

You don't have to pick the chemistry department or the music department. I am not in the physic department. 

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