
No, the oral teaching…..shut up, birds. No they have no sounds.

That’s historical restored, retained,  reformed, …inheritance of the train head, like…

The historical heritage.

Site. Forever outbound worlds has a train or coal mine, one of those becoming all these great park, isn’t this amazing on your field trips if you just be attentive enough, the air that you breath…his hours reach your alarm clock, my time ? It’s 2:52, meaning 3 am.

Why is it that 101 bus keywords keep showing up?

I didn’t do that urban planning. 



I have a pen now. Taiwan has nothing but these high tech device at Y session of the tunnel grounds. Underground shopping malls, my own malls. Too far for the lazy human. Those are guys at ..Almost to PC, not quiet to the only pizza around there. 

I illustrate later….

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