
High tech on commands, “All shield up” (2:19-2:23)


There were witness, ages Simon, Keanu, Eben were 40+, 9 years ago. They might be aware of something else whichever ages started, records. 

I think I was 31 2014 April.  But I started on the Google plus at March, I move to a new house 2014, that time was 30 before April. TYG was before April 2013, one year prior.  I made the Titanic practice Feb 2013, that is 29 my age. 

TYG, The You Generation ( Google partnership with Simon Cowell)

AGT, American Got Talents.

Records all these says ET Wars on the reference of 九輪異譜


Run again those shield things in Harry Potter at the Giant, Again | Sent out the SOS messages, not just for the comets, but Somarian 3500, or 3600 years of what orbits of that rumors 214 sign on death dates Handikhsn Babaji, it was the name YouTube Nibiru 2012.

Harry Potter shield, again. | Again

Your estimating time is 2025, talk to me = explain to me.

( 78, 2021

79, 2022

80, 2023

81, 2024

82, 2025, it’s you wishing me happy birthday or what? )

Same video, they seen that one picture I say 2:19-2:23 on 2014, that’s 8 years ago. Right now it’s June. Oh ! I remember I was on Boot camp to Simon. July it’s 430, that’s was way more than 8 full years right now.

I cannot be down.
Shield. They gonna be dead if I am down. ‘Shield all up, again ! “


Reasoning, they never made it one Sunflowers ever however tested, examed, teaches, taught, forgotten….it’s not relatively, it’s physicality seem as you eyes seeing it..
Set the perimeter of the solar system.
NASA is at South Pole. Which planets has no mass lands, meaning no crust, or gaseous…..well, definition of a planet, Pluto just out. It’s a rock. 

I am aware those planets have rings outskirts… outside the asteroid belt. Can anyone explained to me the human gene pool human at Prince William 20 years prior years 2000 were so worried about a new names of ma’am Ching Hai?

Probably meant i peel the superstitious that department made under the law righteous names in which department? The National defense, move over.

Whichever whom move in move out, next by, side by side best.
The Oral legends myth…I actually need those now. Not after I dead.

Wait, I had a website …commanding power. Wait, just add-on to. 

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