
Never mind, these are personal critique, nothing to do with the military...where were we?

You were all preparing your Hunger Game and the Catching Fires.

Are you with a guy? Right now...Mine....well, I brush my teeth before I go to sleep. How many times do you brush your teeth, you eating 3 meals a day human?

Physically I gonna meet a guy, to live with 24 hours a day. Isn't that....well, I done it once my relationship on solving my bad breath whole life issues. You don't feel anything....seeing these you eating all that down? 

That is 3 meals, or she means 3 days? She edited?

These Chinese Can sauces...well, I only specify on the Hoisen sauce inside the dumpling, to sound like a TV real. Not actually using it, as the side dish, or black beans....I never used them?

I show you what everyone else eating ASMR, but not I eating that? 

So what would Eben eating his dumpling with?

Soy light sauce + Chinese vinegar + sugar (or red pepper chopped)

or Those branding Soy Paste. They don't sell that in America?

You like the Black Beans ? I seeing that a lot on the ASMR, they put on the instant noodles to sounds like...its edible. Its completely blacken to your teeth, your mouth jaw lines? 

The guys always eating everything in the creation, they are guys. But as the girls, you don't want to reserve things that supposed to taste less salty...that is very very salty right? 

She says "Dinner time". oh~ ?  (Shut up, birds. ) I cannot think, birds. Shut up! 

Shut up~~~~I forgot....that was the breakfast, the lunch, oh ~~ so this is the frozen package on the dinner. I cannot possibly eating all that, that is very fat!!!!! 

uh...a lot of people does that kind of the dressing. When you are on TV, is that, how you perceive by the audience you are eaitng healthy? That kind? Isn't the Restaurant using the this BBQ sauce or the called Terraraki sauce? The things you eat....that is a nice taste in the salad? 

The subway, has the honey mustard, long island dressing, anything but sesame oil?  I don't think you are eating anything on the taste, but you eating all them down?  Its very strange on my parts.  The salad...in America, she speaks in English....how comes you don't create a subway dressing recipe, to looks like American? Its everything I look, they Asian use those sesame oil....for Salad?

Do they mean, you create a table, or you create an Arendale? 

Meaning like Prince William's Table I create it for him? 

So it is the spicy things from one of those Chinese Branding Sauce, next by the Black Beans Sauces? You buy and you actually eating them? With a guy to see the eye glasses and noodle to that spicy? Does the guy like to know the girl eating the spicy food? 

okay, she is making a noodle soup. You mean the Brooth!!!! The Soup base ...? There are the gazillion things I don't understand why or how you doing this at all.

With the art of the noodles..its hand made how to be Chinese tradition.....not the roller Italian pasta machine making it....but its the brooth. Because with the noodles, those are not super digestable, a REALly really good brooth, that is not supposed to be a girl's dream to engineer all that? Not the meat, not the fish plate...its just Chive, some chopped red pepper, or Orange slice? ...

The reason you have a TV effect...like No Reservation, its not how you create a perfect formula for that one thing called "brooth"? 

oh ~ those are very fat. I cannot possibly eating any one extra meal, not moving indoor.

There are some simpler ways doing this, used to be on SMTV.

You know Kail, the Zawanna's brother Kail has a last name....European breakfast...this is a lot of funki things....Soy yogurt are meant to be eaten with the Musli. 

Are you girls ever asking the guys, on the personal opinions of anything they see on the Internet? 


You girls all don't washing the cabbages, any greens.....

Soy wraps? Its another thing if you are a vegetarian, with having a bf, you ever thought they thinking how much soy meats you really eating it down? Soy stuffs?

I think you girls are best describe, you rather lived alone, eating alone....truly EATING alone 3 or 5 meals including the snacks, afternoon tea time.

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