
In front of me, I think its only fitness on this YouTube Cpanl, getting your butt up !!!!! | 我覺得在我的眼前都是這些健身的,在 Youtube Cpanl 上面的關係,你的屁股起來!!!

Its so exaggerating ~~~ 真的有夠誇張的! !

I could see it now, they meant that, if you want to eat something you love, you have to work your butt up, to every degree those burn it off, completely, sometimes by fasting, sometimes by ballet, sometimes by fitness, but simply just by exercising, getting your butt up, at all.

我現在知道在說什麼了~他們的意思是說,如果你們想要吃你們喜歡吃的東西,你們要工作自己的屁股起來,讓每一分的卡洛里燃燒掉,全部,有時候是把節\食,有時候 Ballet,有時候就是健身,有時候就是運動,把你們的屁股給叫起來。


為什麼我的照片是上下顛倒? 你們輩分跟我弄錯的意思?
















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