
If detox and Gerson history so great, but those Monsanto, or Pharmaceutical or the Medical Board stop the good news to spread that protocol in Curezone, so everyone heals?

You mean the good methods are not taught in the Medical School, where those USMLE 1 or 2 or 3, wasting human efforts, to become the professional? Meaning, you are saying the Truth not be told? 

You know what is a fungas infection?

Most people liver flush 2 or 3 times, not 10 to 16th to 20th times. Or saliva infection like....yeast infection, there is a terminology of it.

On the proper medical professional education, they will learn about something called bacteria and virus. And both these are extremely small, not like the parasites. They are so small, they spread to the entire body so easily, your entire body go on "Fever".

The Medical profession has one remedy, that is the injection of the high concentrate vaccine, or some kinds of medical synthetic drugs, to minimize that growth of one situation = fungus, yeast, bacteria, virus situation.

If the entire US population willing to give low their ego, to only 5000 buckets water every year, to make it the next 5 to 10 years, I am willing to do a lot of things, including your entire household on no going outside the door, but fixing up your water records become to that Tap Water company, where only the chemists on top ovesees that....

Have you ever get flu the first time in the winter, and in when you getting better, you get your flu back in 2 or 3 days you feeling better? You want to tell me what happened, or you wish me to tell you what exactly happened, to these protocol given outside freely the entire public if...the condition to met, not laziness, not wobbling on weight issues, not on nagging but focus within itself, not showing up, to against any Spiritual law to imagine you manipulate the life forces....

I tell you, I am willing to a lot of things, if you just know you are a sinner every single day, to meet every chemists standard behind, in one records "Tape Water Factory behind", where the System design exactly what it means in that every household.

You heard about GE, you heard about Tesla, you hear about Solar, you hear about Earth gride, you hear about renewable energy....one thing you never hear about....

The only life forces sustain the entire creation on this One Planet.

How is your pasta water going, to that sink...in the kitchen? 

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