
I will tell you what I eat, when I meet Eben |我來告訴你們我吃什麼如果我碰到 埃本

Inside the burger that is the meat patty? Right, a few bites, not the whole 3 layers (2 bread + 1 thicken meat, undigestable to me), that is the beef burger.

The fish burgers, that is he can have half of the concentrated fish patty. I can only eat half. No matter how I try, that things is poison to me. Too much. How many fish you put in one fish patty? My father has this small tiny fish dry...dry small fish.

Cereal and milk, no. Cereal just occasionally a bite or two or 10, not mix with the milk. And I have to restrain milk. I like it, but its fatty.

In America, you have only how many options of the greens, in Buffalo, we have different Mustard Green, I forget what I eat in California. That time I still eating Veggie Burger or the Natvie Cafe. I will tell you, right now I don't eat any of that right now. 

My mother cooked just vegetable mix, I told her that. Its a muculous diet, but I eat that many years, still I gain weight, because I buy the milk. I like the taste. She does cooked some potato strips slice thin, to fried with salt. I use small dishes.

I for years don't eat those vegetarian meats, really. What do they called them, the veggie protein? There is an American name.

I make the dumpling, I used the tofu crumble. But I usually now just have 6 dumpling if not on diet. Right now, its zero. I don't know if Eben eats these Japanese name dumplilng, Gayzo....same name = dumplings. I create packages to keep it frozen, in case we ran out of the food. 

Pumpkins makes the soup base, I done that, its entire winter made for the next year. I just keep doing that the fall seasons, the next year, the whole freezer the pumpkin soup base, I do eat soup base. I can add creme, coffee creme. That is not vegan. 

Hummus, Eben probably eats them like the Jewish. Taiwan Rice cookers, can cooked those brown sugar Jewish Carrots with Cinnamon, I hate that spice, but that is just carrots for his holiday. How many things can the Jewish eats anyway.

The rice ball I can made them, also freezer them. Its plastic wraps. Long cylinder shapes. You could cook rizotto in it.

I hand made gluten, my mother like it.  You can have one or two times a years, but those are not food. 

I definitely don't eat pasta now....so many years. But he might, so I wash his sink....he must damage his piping system, I am pretty sure.

I cook the birds or the sky, Millis....Mille, those yellow small tiny...the soup in my Pinterest with sugar, yellow, that is the Chinese version.

If he has this I make grapes tonic....wash, rinse, wash rinse....grapes actually juicing very very very healing you know...he is thin, he can drink all these liquids down. No more cooking steam.

One sunday, I fried all the things he needs, he can buy me a fryer, he keep that 6 months. I don\t eat fried Indian bread, I don't eat one here. My mother keep all those her treasure stuffs. With the fryers, its so much easier, you freezer all of these bread too. My mother made her treasure looks so pretty.

Gravy with white rice, that sounds more spiritual inclines the standard American indian food.

In America, you can buy a Bushal of Apples, or A whole Boxes of Oranges. I have no other access, I just do things with the oranges. Not even the hard find juicers. Amazon has the basic orange juicers, that can last for long long time....

Eben probably has at least oven, he can have every casserole orders, the whole weeks his foods, plus freezer soup base + dehydrate carrots slice. I don't eat peas. 

I saw his kitchen is big.

He can stock up his 6 months food...really.  What the maid is for....

I don't really know Eben is vegan or vegetarian....meaning tofu scramble Chinese white pepper MSG with salt ratio to taste eggs?

Or the indian guy here make these Italian herbs vegan butter. You break them into chulk of small aluminum foil. A bit like Hotel jam or jelly, in grape or strawberry small box jam. Butter box. Small. 

I  usually had thin noodles with shred carrots, veg washed, and that mix with the hot sauce spice. I don't like to add that sauce, but....for the smell, I do that. I have no ideas what's wrong with these smell here in Asia. 

I used to learn from that Simon's ex financee looking Persian, how she fed her dogs. Its the lentil cooked so ....mushy, to freeze it in the 6 pantry those muffin stainless plate. That can be freezers too. Just about any kinds of the frozen food, Eben stock up his entire house. Nothing but food for 6 months. We both have an office.


I probably cut shredded carrots or cucumbers.  Does he eat coleslaw? Like the celery seed for? Vegan mayo.

There is an SMCH recipe on hummus mix vegan mayo + mustard, guess what, that is the vegan version of the egg sandwitch. You don't need to eat with the bread. You can stand alone eating the paste.

There are daily things I normally doing like right now. The only things extra, its washing the cloth, wipe the floors, the table, the bad sheet, the sunshine outdoor, drying methods, nick used to know this hardware store, I have to nail them.

The floor mat drying methods, the ktichen looks wood, so it must be....some thing cannot stain water, one of those solvent whichever he Eben buys.

When I was in California

I water everyone yard, my every landladies yard, I do nothing but watering them.

Having money means, he really buys the Vola Wal-Mart me long time no see the cleaning supply.....some human has a tendency to incline to glue on it. 

I heard my brother saying the gas is 6 dollars? We were used to be 2 or 3 maximum?

I am telling you, amazon has great stuffs to order, no more cars. We have something here different cleaning supply in Taiwan....really. I already bought Eben super giant mops, 3....

Super Giant. Great abosrb the water. He might sea ship my entire room, so I buy all kinds of the cleaning supply...I ever WISHED! You know the brand name of that? Its called "Magic works" or "Magic Elf".  They design in bathroom, in windows, in kitchen, .....I know them since I was third grade. 

Deny the subconscious desires....one of those Mathrew scripts lines.


no, those you do every 2 days or 3 days in the plastic bags. Chinese vegetable especially I washed long time. You keep rinse them the full tank of kichten water, it will help the pipes too. But then you add salt, soak them. Then after 20 mins or 30 mins, its clean water soak them, then keep washing them 2 times, you have shake the water body weight this entire time. What the sink design for? 

Kale is more troublesome, its every leafy opens.....Chinese Bok Chu its the roots' open, break open, shake shake shake in the entire water water body. You rinse them, you soak them, you shake the entire sink with them, and dump the water 2 or 3 times, you keep doing that, ....there is a reason I am busy.

Fried Zucchini and American Eggplant

Eggplant has to process with the salt...so those, Eben eat fried stuffs? I can get the panko beside the flours. Does Eben eat flours?

 I taste them, no I don't eat them.

My father he is in America, so I will made them several bags foods to make him feel food with his new wife.


You know I don't think I sleep 8 hours anymore....so

I get up before Eben does, and there are a lot of things get done before he gets up probably. I have to take a nap though.

If my daily get 2 hours to get things done, there are  built up 10 hours a week, I am telling you. So everything gonna be clean up.

His car has these service date, I can just file for him, just paper works calligraphy. I don't know if the guy's writing so bad, so they invent the computer for?

I used to do nick's excel bills, like recipe what he spent, or his entire library, I catalog him a booklet of author, books title, publisher, and the publishing dates. Eben needs that?

I guess the first 3 months are the most works to get everything done. The town might get these free soils, I can replace his every plants ground up stuffs. The fertilize guess whom invent them? Its Nitrogen contains in them.

I can show him the Niko and....knife. Maybe his foot? Even I used to be thin, I still have, I use scissor, now I get weight, these becomes so much. But it would be the first time I learn about the knifes. It comes easy, I done that when I was in the elementary school.


Amazon has these things I can get flute - the sample songs. See what stuffs gonna land there.....you cannot tell me they fly over there from here.



You all girls just all want to let go your life, die, and lose conscious, life sunk it, just keep sunk it the next 16 years. For every bad karma you create, you consiously will manfiest exactly what the temple of God meant it. Less service to humanity.  What I warning you over and over.....






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