
Hydrogenate oil

Let's say, those ingredient labels having the food contains within it....

The Home made of course, not as tasty as the food store manufacture at it. But the Organic store or today's online shop selling these called "Vegetarian Shortening". Its an oil.

But they are like butter texture. What do you do with it? Its the crust below the apple pie. You use flour and that, to mix and fridge about 20 mins, that is the crusty.

The Home made cookies are much better....that is just what I think. If any girls just spending their efforts in the chemistry degree, how to a full run FDA ideas of veggie washing, and snacks making....the guys just do nothing but going to fitness gym. Drinking juice, or water....

Its good for both of them. 

All these manufacture you see, are the semi-solid to the real sponge texture of the solid matter.

The Semi-liquid, to what consistency of that batter, you can yield by the settiing of the industrial commercial kitchen temperature measurement to create, just "by timely"...meaning exactly the watch Time, a perfect texture inside outside cake.

Those thing, unless you are still on the real food eating, which Eben what kind of the friend he got...I don't spend those efforts to study cake?

The Lazy human does the lazy things. 

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