
小鬼小和尚~~ 比爾、蓋茲算? 應該算爺 ....

我解釋給他聽~~~ 他做電玩的,意思就是電話不是電玩呀 ! 你們知道電話是什麼嗎 ? 

Bill Gates counts as the Grandpa rank. 

圖書館算? 公立! 意思就是繳納稅的人 ....

Library counts? The governmental, the Tax payers moneys. 


運輸業,你們是說阿南? 那是國家的 TTC

Transportation? That is the governmental. nick TTC, those are governmental. 



But to download the Time schedule....


I tell you, if we manual input~ because a lot of activities are Special Sale, those Exit,~  but yeah~ it is a little bit troublesome.

你們地理課,你們現在先學每一個省份假設手自己輸入~~~你們的特殊賣場會在? 大都會的那個地圖上面畫的那個,雙層圓,看地圖

Your geography class right now, if you learn that every province, its you key in~~~Your Special Sale Ground at? The metropolitain on that maps, drawing that one, two double circles, look at the map.


When you are so small, you learn the most difficult situation, because you will know what things will exist there.

所以買洗髮精,我問過舍利弗媽~她刷價錢一樣! 所以去那個點買

So if buying the shampoo, I have asked Sariputra's mother~ she says the price its the same, so you go to those location and buy.


我安那學的地理? 是中國你們的整個省分的鐵路地理~對

Me Anna learning the geography? Its your Entire China Province, entire railroad geography~ Correct.

你們小鬼現在每一天都在幹嘛 ? 打官司嗎 ? 那是做公車? 要不要順便去鐵路那邊 survey?你們要知道什麼既做實地調查,當我設定好 Joomla, 其實你們所有資料就可以直接上線,市內電話自己知道而已,不是對外公開~ ! 

Your small monk, what do you do everyday right now? Fighting the lawsuit? Do you sit in the bus? Do you want to pass by the railroad main there to survey? You need to do the local investigation, when I set up the Joomla, you could just upload the data directly online, the internal phone lines, only between you kids know, not open to the public. Not open. 


You All monkhood, I thought, its speciality its to travel, I think.

Joomla 有沒有 ADS? 沒有

Does Joomla has ADS? No.


這因為這有時候,但是你們所謂 ADS 的部分,是可以換成你們自己佛教的活動,或是所謂的學術什麼圖書館的 IT workshop. 因為這有時候這 Google 強迫人看東西叫做增廣知識 ...很煩!

圖書館有 IT workshop, 但是失去工作的那個部門也會有電腦 IT workshop, 給老人用的

講學術的話,我有看過你們燒屍體也有工作的就是你們自己 post 在網路上面,你們也可以自己做成 ADS。

Because sometimes, you so called these ADS place, its you can change to your own Buddhism Activities, or so known as the acadmia, or the library IT workshop, because sometimes Google force people to look at the new things to increase their knowledge base....so annoying.

Library has IT workshop, but losing the job, unemployment has their computer IT workshop for the elderly.

Talking about the academia, I have seen you burn down corpse those jobs, you all by yourself posting those works on the Internet, you can make those into ads.


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