
我有其他事情先寫一下 ! 因為有事情,我現在看第二集 (公主小妹) I have other things to write first, becasue there is something, now I am going to watch the second episode.

公主小妹 Ep 02  (Its in Chinese, Madarin)



I think there is about 4 guys from here, and Middleton's daughter? Whom has the daughter? And which one is the youngest? 

oh ?! Showering, Bath ?! 

Diamond Cake?! CIA....I think its from CIA, that time I enter a keyword 2021, they eat what, the diamond cake? You mean they eating things in the CIA like how they get a job? You mean the spy's cake 5 millions dollar....

That is talking to me, or talking in general? Whom's diamond cake?!


A Micky Mouse White watches?

You mean that California, Irvine Spectrum Big Wheel fallen yet? I got the white watch there with the copper on it. Rolex is here....

Or you meant you just stealing every confidential data beside, its the commodity collection from all my photo, anyway! 

okay, I look at it, my first impression, is that Square, and Irene's brother saying? I know what's Irene's brother were, or are....


五百萬 vs 一億?  (500,0000 vs 1,0000,0000 )

It is a relative much smaller digits coins, to saying begging for life, those kinds, smaller's farmer's market, one of those next by the 里長 of that entire 縣民

I say those southern Taiwan? Its on your news. They have a farmer's market collecting the coins? begger's life, that is on Weekend. 

I am just guessing it.

I comment; Maybe ET didn't meant 5 years, just the whole life, you got that money in. Its a lot of those money saying what it is the costs of living on the island. Whatever they mean.


Comment 2: She looks a kind of like Middleton.

Comment 3: Tina might have seeing that comic book. yeah, she likes the comic books too, we borrow different kinds. She....is that type. She says her both kids now are eating a lot a lot a lot.

公主小妹 Ep 03 

Irene's brother, now I remember. He got very very fat like the Ep 02 says.

oh ~ That prince military eating a 鳳梨蝦球? Is that French Youtuber Ku did that? Or whom did that on the TV?

oh ! that is the round things in the TV?! Mine stuffs? Did you go to the ET to make sure all these things are not the prediction of the future?  I didn't watch the TV to imagine the recipes?  I just happen to be in that day having a mood, things in front of me?

When you shred things just on paper, on 8 years, on every day since 2021....peeling and shredding, your only food ever seen its those 片片碎花 stuffs inside with the seedweed? Too lazy human like me.

Lion and Cat difference?

Why don't they say Lion and Fish difference? Singapore National Moscout! On the keychain...

Currie's husband die like that. 居禮夫人

I think it would be me telling Lee, my side.....we paying that Middleton's parent, leave. No more seeing that Middleton, forever. That will be the best results.  Irene's parents = her brother's parents are getting weaker each day worsen on health. They getting old very very quickly, after a certain age. She hardly cook anymore since when. They were very close as a family, but later on, she has a conditioned sent to the hospital, for that grandmom's inheritance time or she was like that. They both kids were just very near the parents, they have their own room like 30 years, now they both are outside married. Their parent taking care of Irene's grand kid. 

That vitality is similar to my dad. A lot of people about me and Lee, and Prince William + Middleton upper, they have to die.

As for the WWII, how the southern Zawanna's Chinese name, those Coral Reef are white....that story might be very true on the Atomic Bomb in Japan. Those post war effects do exist.  They are the baby bloomer programs, those times people don't have an education. What you telling them, or wish to acquire any support, has a time limited.

Its not 15 years, it about 6 years I am here in Taiwan. I will move out, so she does what she really feeling like + my father on his own, be happy their own life. A lot of this upper family I did tell you hold them a bit close, because you all small tiny, needs them. You remember your family reunion, you remember certain time frame, you always have that remember inside your childhood, but you need to make it the money. Sometimes wishing others well, and having a more independent life, that money Capitalism under....that is really what makes things right, if I were you. 

You can just tell the court your personal views what on heartache. Me and Lee doesn't have a problem talking, you and your bf might go and arguing about that, yeah.


Lee doesn't talk tiny like Prince William. He is an instructor type so he acquire that job on his own. Sometimes....you have to know as a girl.

This entire story 1 and 2 and 3....it is about a girl's life, do you know what life suppose to be a girl to becoming a women?  so....there is a saying to continue on that, because you are in Asia where you seeing an economic term "4 Asian Little Dragon.". Maybe Western Worlds are too perfect to talk about the traditional women's values. This TV just meant they failing right at the Start. The court, legal process will just doing exactly that like their parents.

Its the same verdict.

She is not happy, she doesn't believe that cooking life, she doesn't have anything to sitting home, and make it on her own skills. She needs friends, she needs family.

Ruling that, she can leave.

That is how his parents end up exactly like that. She can seek love, in the legal society, they are snubbish attitude to their nose high.  She has a liking, she has a preference, she has an education to that free will, whichever she likes to do, not following every day on every single comment must be abide to that life. Its suffocating her and him. They both gonna die young if continue like that. 

She acquires the new statues of the Dutchess, so she can do exactly how everyone else repeat exactly same thing curse down the generation every single round.

You know what ET says....not how I am, because its everyone upper senior human are fake. Well....make your new statues of every fame to that zizziling playing field, big and wide on the newspaper.

Its money talk, and coprperaton methods. If the england and entire EU coming down, for one funny tale I say kneel, bow, flat forever.....its becasue I dare so. No matter what. 

Funny and zizzling like fuzzy, you will all seeing a great thing what money can do. You never know what the Jewish meant conquer and divide, just someone fake it the words on Power.

Someone whom was, before, and WIll Be.

Legal court will never exist, when you bankcrupt the entire nation, you see? No more food. Just like the TV. I frankly telling you exactly what it meant it. I never repeat twice I meant I say, I do I tale.

To that your liking of the perfect Parents talking to you life, you see, Europe its one of those thing like Currie' both them, radioactive.

I used to tell you what the New Romance of every Generation they doing so on that land.

The nuclear waste line its your electrocity main power cord. Without that  Prince William, how down which year ET meant it Stephen Tamang got step over to die....like "I am not the Shopping Freak."

There is a system how they doing so. Its all Free Will Romance games, Game in Game out. Applying those jobs, you can dominating the entire worlds on the energy crisis unlimited damage.

Just winning and losing, its right in front of you eyes. 

How true how true.....get on the news just meant it you saying your prayers and show off. I tell you the consequence ahead of the time. By that time, how the chaos comes, I am sure you already admit that,.....Prince they live on the ship, never boarding out of the land.

On water.

ET, its what you known as the deep water ocean base....what are those words those Project Camelot human uses. Deep Water Base.

There are rumors about something this 2012, and them. On.... Underground high tech transportation system. I tell you how ET win the wars, on....all EU

Underground 1 human, you all shut down.

That is....all those underground hiding human die.

You will have no more support upland, everyone on Romance Games on Ends of the World. One World One Tolken.

And just like that Biden on so interests in the wrong direction.....that one day, how EU and us gone....you will have no more World.

That is called it they coming out of it from the water deep surface to the shallow surface.

You never live in a world, where any responsibility to hold just a kissing and romance eye sight exchange to set you up a great love interest to the future logenvity, why don't just dead all the way anyway? So the entire Humanity on fallen.

So bid on that, you have a perfect new life, like....you know how to live. And soon you will know how to die. 

( 23:20 )

Okay, that will be my side of Irene's brother, and that younger her brother's counsin, below their home. He is in NYC, waitor. Thin probably. No, he is not that type. No not Michael Jackson. He is the 2nd or the 3rd in line if Irene admits she is a lesbian tale. I told you about thousand times.


Those must looking great ~~~~ how your England ends up!!!!

I didn't do anything.

35:39 -35:40

This....will be emotional !!! This time is November 24th, 2022.

Seeing yourself worth.

37:58 Me and Charlie gone to a bridge before me meeting Tina and Hank to Director's house. They have 3 kids too. No....we gone to a loving hut, staying away those human, I don't think that is us?

I have 256 on demo done, and wrap and shipped. Not assembly the 256 holes yet at Home Depot. I arrive in Lakewood, that is El Toro that time I get it done.

39:50 She is a psycho. She is not Prince William's family's kid. 

She imagine Prince Charles, or King Charles III talking to her, exactly those line. Whatever the King says to her. Psycho.

No, its not true. Her last name is Middleton. 

Lee and I don't have a kid.

But when you all having a family establish, you really will find out your parents just so wishing you all kids be dead, like you wishing your own kids be dead every single one of them, without the TV effects + TV in the reality to rubber each other stuffs, as if those stories are true.

You all graduate from the University, why don't you zizzing your own spirits and guts feeling on fighting that legal local court to when to get the Supreme court ruling like 10 years time, you finding it your intuition guiding you the New Age and supersticious how the Court will ever lead you astray, to taken the things away from you, if you desert it? You really believing it,.....you are right that gut feeling to gamble.

Just don't bother me. I am busy. I didn't file any lawsuit towards.....anything, only to response to you all. I mean the Right, or the Money. I only taken what I input out the tiny money in values only. 

Correct, things in those Power, you need the Supreme Court to agree, if you planning on that....anything of that its better having that nations' Supreme Court to sign. I just suggesting you to that, the local court...its not a thing, whatever you argue with them on the TV. They starting in 1928 the TV lawsuit long ago.....all the time. I did say that too many times.

The Movie Lawsuit were all the time things people do and scam. Almost 100 years will pass. It never changes the same claims. 

"You have a gut feeling you are right."

"I have a gut feeling I ruling on the court as a Judge." Just every degree of it.

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