
Venus and that 托爾.漢? The Tesla Biography? The description they have, or the letter they left behind, the first one or two initial of each letter words?


In this world, most parents are not being a parents. Not really foster, or talk-in, or raise up why you being a parent for. These parents, you mean my dad? 

That will be a very very very stern talk. They the upper race will have the literacy and high education women, kinda of like that air, but might be she is the Star, Marriah Carrie that Earth person is she is that TV kinda of.

Parenting like, some are obsess to change your entire behavior, until you learn your lesson. That will be very very stern, you do not move your muscle as I meant you sit there, don't move ! 

I hate all this stuffs....


Clinical Case

You really foster a real mental, or truely disable girl or a guy, that Helen Keller story.  The recent movie. That will be the entire cultural belief, like if Marriah Carried when to foster that 4+1 color blind. On Earth, its....just don't be that behind people talk about. Most people only eye watering on the tears to their friends, social circle, wine to die, drugs to die. 

Their civilization meaning you raise up your entire World level, through the education. You only make it the world a better place, and that every belief are only gear toward the open talk, raise up, better life, shape up your knowledge, don't talk to me about why you have an issue, everyone else having an issue other you have your own problems, you have your friends around, you have your tiredness, you have your sacrifice, you have this, you have that. 

I am not sure its everyone ending up in the same world. You will be brainwash, brainstorm, cultural shock, how that high civilization why or how you exactly becoming whom you were, it was you meant you say you tale, you meant you didn't give life a 100% no matter what.

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