
UB 500, you can now create your own business page, or sitesell page, or what traffic you wish to add-on your maliing list, or for someone to catch up your own business including CD, DVD, all sorts.

You can have 2 mins on stage, public air on the grand hotel, those are ball room. Each of you telling yourself name and movies which you are in.

Whom you are related to this entire Movie Crisis, you are part of the Joomla, or what you connected behind. Tell us a little bit about your team, or what you contribute to this teamworks this far. A brief saying, to all the parents if they are coming in. 

Business cards, you can use Vista. They have glossy, or you want to print in Taiwan, its called APO. More near to my house, I mail it to you? Can you just call them yourself to mail it to you all, all by yourself? I can go and ask.....later.

Business name research, you can ask a UB business librarian behind, they know how to research in your local buffalo city, their city has this business name you don't go and duplicate yourself. Or you can ask him where can you register, in downtown buffalo, or near Williamsville?  He does Standard & Poor, in UB.

UK? Madrical, they becoming so fat on the ice.

Really. Same. If you all madrical never die out, and still keep the voice, just not the shape, you can handle the groups jobs all by yourself. You make yourself own page, and present it on the day of the Grand Hotel Ball Room.

I prefer you all sing that Carol the Bell. I was in it. ( i might ask a few human standing very near by. )

You all practice the Carol the Bell, its the cascading.

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