
That's Vicky - California (Teacher) Quan Yin Messenger Vicky next by the Choreography guys - Ryan?

The scholarship in the graduation, her brother. This blonde hair girl's brother. 


My Youtube says this is the Food - VS

1. Debra's mother-in-law, that Rochester Indian Professor, his mother cook, fried food. Chickpeat flour.

That White Buffalo Women (Paris, no idea what that is)

Jean dead - hard case (Cancer)

When we met in Rochester, he took us 3 out to eat. She just had a baby soy allergic born. They later move to California too. When I was in CA too.

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28OTXquOEaw&list=RD28OTXquOEaw&start_radio=1

Indian love chickpeas flour, the way I seeing them. They really using that chickpea flours, I personally like the white flour, no matter how unhealthy that is. I know what they cook. You go to the Toronto on the way back to highway 7, that is where you pass by.

Taiwan doesn't require a brain, how the temperature will forever rise that dough. Morning or Night. You just never lives in that constantly seems just where the human temperature are. 

I already try my best to tell the girls 4 Stove, but the reason you have an industrial revolution, its that everyone, could eat the FDA food rather than having a traditional. That is what I will say to you, in the end of all that. I have no idea what that Future World girls supposes to be. I can tell you, its more mild world, in many many sector, sunshine, happiness and spirituality. Meaning....The girls could become anything they ever become by their cultural doctrine.

And to that proper world, will have more facilitation of the food.

oh My God....that is when this world becoming more mild, you will forever bind to eating to your way to hell. They have many creative food. Pleasing to your eyes. I am sure its in the taste as well, not just by the look. 

Technically I think the women having no mouth opens, in any degree will be a virtue to start, that including how you chew that food, as the cultural tradition in the past might have existing in the Ancient China. Not in your Western World. 

I have no ideas what you all becoming....my time didn't allow me witness the evidence, what you all evolve.

You finish your brainstorm, your future to be? That will be your first batch of the human into the New World, those Sunshine worlds, as the low class, you didn't accumulate money, for saying that in that reality you will find out as the groups, as the Earthling. That several outlet to that higher civilization culture, once you learn upon....you will be brainstorm, or brain washing, just by looking at their achievement or known facts, how waste life you were on this Earth.

That will be money, fame, Digital Era Youtube Fame, outer appearance, Military Domination Power, or your social statue included. No matter how you just think your government are completely useless, in any welfare nature. - You will be placed upon that money digits that per monthly, might have some money save in the bank, at least not dying on the street as the hungry ghost. I assuming that is, I just don't know which year on the Earth year, you walking alive through the living Veil, at all.

The Invention is not part of your vocabulary, you have no associating groups

The Professor Level is not this world cultural, they have to invent.

The women' rich statues to the book bind per authorship book clubs, or fan clubs, not your nature or culture, how you seeing you having one friends to becoming your lean on, for you never never never trying for others could lean on you.

Those facts will get worse and worsen, at all. Whom you are made of, in the end.  When the higher world with the money, to that open world internet statue, not like China, having a money or not. They have several way collaboration to finding out per material truth.

How you end up in the hell or in front of them.....per facts, per saying, per material detective conan paid price, for every thing crystal clear, including AI technology. 

Why or how those material end up there, per step your court at the moment just let you keep your mouthful jobs, until that Justice descending upon. That day, everyone will be telling what that culture worsen than your current West, what the liberation right to your soul pieces, per mouthful credit cards background check. That will be the real Internet public shame, you kill yourself to die, or you don't bother saying, why don't you jump in the Pacific Ocean as the 2 worlds apart?

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