
台灣的那些新聞📰 (中國)Taiwan those news (China)

台灣並不會合併中國成為『台灣只有』,更何況我在1983 的存在,當初之所以南遷,而且很多人一起下來台灣,中國有說!

Taiwan won’t merge to China (As Taiwan ), especially after 1983, there is a reason south migration, and many people coming to Taiwan. China did say


They freeze to death every winter, many many people.

加拿大之所以很多印度移民包括 Lalla, 黑色代表死亡

Canada the reason so many india color including Lalla, black means death. 


I said already, not one person dead, their dying number it’s not one person like the airline.


Airline are broke long time ago. 

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