
See, look at again, you American Millitary only cares about the ability and the brain power....how to win Lotto ! Japan Lotto doesn't require a tax.


My entire growing up life, its on how people having an ability, to only get on the jobs, that jobless people like me...NEVER get a job!  Every time someone telling me, empower your future, the mind, the money power, I hate zero to millions degree.

I don't believe a crap.


Do you know a real real real real position why you END UP on the negotiation Table? By Now?  Do you play those 大富翁? Monopoly, a game.

When you capable to create an infrastructure or base on the subjects like the science methods, step by step you approach to create a bigger environment, sometimes just your belief for the wild life, sometimes just meant, you are expert in building a society, or training on some human quality, combine. 

You want to ask me if other World they have the Lotto? 

亞斯 says there is. They called it the Gambler world.

Zawanna says, its a word I don't know how to spel. ETstBby

Kail says, no. Not in his world. 

Zawanna push/knock his shoulder. Kails says, one of those I cannot understand language. 

"Uyttesy r u care"

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