
Prayer means you asking for things. You could just ask the police for the things. They know everything behind door, why you asking that for.

You never pray for the material things with that Bible power. If there is a Gift.  That is on waste. 

"Let God's will be your Will." "God's will to be done."

So the Astral plane are where the Master reside, that is in the red book Yogananda dead Master saying that. You have to transpassing that one human Babaji just command whenever he felt like....for that one things for another, no matter which costs in the of all world, he liberate your souls piece above third World. No more transmigration to reincarnation life after life. That is not your belief system, that is not your goal.

With your assignment to lure your every military captain, those are always moving. There is no destination where they suppose to be at. You gonna say, everyone else has a stable life? 

You have to deliver a 4 stove cooking, bathing, cleaning the house, organize the bills, sit home. Thanksgiving and Christmas. Capable to house that entire roomy human that being collect, he has a life.

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